What to Look For in a Lawyer
How to Choose a Mesothelioma Attorney
After a mesothelioma diagnosis, it can be difficult to know where to turn. You might feel alone, you almost certainly feel overwhelmed, and there might be uncertainty as to where to turn next. People who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma due to exposure to the cancer-causing substance asbestos do have legal recourse. The question is, where can you get this legal recourse?
Before retaining an attorney to handle your case, make sure they possess the following qualities.
Track Record
Mesothelioma is a serious diagnosis – just about as serious as it gets. You need an attorney who has a track record of success. Since 1990 when we dedicated our practice solely to mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer cases, we have recovered more than $2.5 billion for our clients. We know how to get meso patients and their families the money they deserve.
We have worked hard to build a reputation as not just attorneys, but people committed to the cause of mesothelioma research and medical empowerment. We are always looking for ways to give back, and have donated millions to research and sponsoring events to raise awareness for the disease. When looking for an attorney, reputation is important.
As with any product or service, you should look for positive reviews and testimonials. Worthington & Caron, PC has helped hundreds of mesothelioma patients and their families by not just handling the legal aspect of their case, but by walking with them through every step of the process after the diagnosis.
We are proud to say that many of our clients come to us after being referred by a friend or family member. People refer us because they trust us and value what we were able to do for them or their loved one. Choose an attorney who people feel comfortable referring.
Mesothelioma cases are unique to any other type of injury claim. Attorneys that claim to handle these types of cases should be able to connect you to top physicians, clinical trials, and other vital resources. Worthington & Caron can do just that.
Perhaps the most important quality you should be looking for in an asbestos cancer lawyer is someone who has true compassion for you and what you are going through. For Worthington & Caron, these cases truly hit home as we have been personally affected by losing people close to us to mesothelioma.

Our Mission
Medical Empowerment
Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your treatment.
Legal Empowerment
Get the compensation you need to address the financial cost of your illness.
Going For The Gold
Helping empower our clients with over $2.5 Billion in recoveries. We fight for our clients!
Giving Back To The Community
Unprecedented Support for Mesothelioma Research. See how we can help!