Identifying Tumor Markers to Diagnose Mesothelioma
MESOMARK is a manual enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or “ELISA” which identifies tumor markers in the bloodstream. These tumor markers, referred to as SMRPs or soluble mesothelin-related peptides, are released by malignant mesothelioma cells. So MESOMARK searches a patient’s bloodstream to see if it can find any markers that could indicate the presence of mesothelioma cancer. It is the first blood test designed exclusively to monitor mesothelioma.
In 2007, Fujirebio Diagnostics developed the first in vitro test to measure mesothelin for the monitoring of mesothelioma. This development offered a new hope for thousands of Americans suffering from mesothelioma as well as those who will eventually be diagnosed. This test was the first and only mesothelioma monitoring system to measure proteins in a person’s bloodstream as a way to reflect shifts in asbestos cancer.
In what cases do doctors use the MESOMARK test?
Doctors perform MESOMARK tests in order to measure the level of mesothelioma markers in a person. This blood test helps determine if a person has mesothelioma cancer as well as evaluate a patient’s response to various mesothelioma treatments.
What does the MESOMARK test entail?
If your doctor recommends the MESOMARK test, you can expect a small blood sample. Your blood sample will be sent to a lab for additional testing for SMRPs.
Were you or a loved one recently diagnosed with mesothelioma? We invite you to contact Worthington & Caron, PC We have connections to some of the nation’s top mesothelioma physicians and can help you with your options.

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