CT Scans for Diagnosing Mesothelioma
A computerized tomography scan – more commonly known as a “CT Scan” – is one way to diagnose mesothelioma. A CT scan is a type of x-ray imaging device that allows your doctor to see your internal organs in extensive detail.
Traditional X-Rays vs. CT Scans
Conventional x-rays often don’t show enough detail to confirm a mesothelioma diagnosis, so some doctors will recommend a CT scan. While conventional x-ray machines only focus on one area of your body, a CT scan allows your physician to view all your internal organs. With a CT scan, the patient is placed inside a cylindrical machine that rotates and produces cross-sectional images of your insides.
When do doctors recommend CT scans?
Doctors often recommend CT scans to confirm a diagnosis or if they believe you might have a serious condition. For example, it is common for doctors to prescribe CT scanning when:

How MRIs Differ from CT Scans
MRIs can accomplish a similar function as CT scans, but certain people cannot undergo an MRI, including:

MRIs, similar to ultrasounds, do not use radiation so some physicians opt for MRIs over CT scans if a patient is pregnant.
Are you experiencing any mesothelioma symptoms? Were you exposed to the cancer-causing fiber asbestos? Contact your doctor to discuss some options for diagnostic imaging, such as a CT scan.
If you were recently diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our asbestos lawyers today. Our passion and focus is helping mesothelioma victims fight for justice and for life. Contact us today to learn more.

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