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Ban Johnson & Johnson

Holding J&J Accountable

Last month, 42 states reached a $700 million nationwide settlement with Johnson & Johnson, resolving allegations that J&J misled consumers about the safety of their talc-based products. Specifically, J&J failed to disclose that asbestos could be present in their Baby Powder and body powder products and violated consumer protection laws.

The proposed settlement, subject to court approval, permanently bans J&J from resuming manufacturing, selling, promoting or distributing their talc-based products. J&J discontinued sales of these products in the U.S. and Canada in 2020 and switched to a cornstarch-based formula after mounting litigation and growing public outcry. They continue to deny any wrongdoing and insist on the safety of talc products.

For decades, J&J misrepresented the safety and purity of their products and used deceptive marketing practices, particularly targeted towards women, families and communities of color. No amount of money could ever undo the devastation they’ve caused but finally holding them accountable for compromising consumer safety is progress.

To read the full article in Reuters, please visit:

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