Board of Directors Robert B. Cameron, M.D. UCLA Medical School Nicholas J. Vogelzang, M.D. University of Chicago Brian Loggie, M.D. Creighton University Medical Center Michael Harbut, M.D., M.P.H. Royal Oak, Michigan Roger G. Worthington, Esq. Dallas, Texas Mathew Bergman, Esq. Seattle, Washington Susan Vento St. Paul, Minnesota Mouzetta Zumwalt-Weathers Cary, North Carolina In Memoriam Congressman Bruce F. Vento Bill Powell Science Advisory Board Harvey Pass, M.D., Chairman Karmanos Cancer Institute Victor Roggli, M.D. Duke University Robert N. Taub, M.D. Columbia University Lary A. Robinson, M.D. H. Lee Moffit Cancer Center Steve Hahn, M.D. University of Pennsylvania Joseph R. Testa, Ph. D. Fox Chase Cancer Center Claire Verschraegen, M.D. University of New Mexico Eric Vallieres, M.D. University of Washington Dan Miller, M.D. Emory University Raphael Bueno, M.D. Harvard/Brigham and Women's Hedy Lee Kindler, M.D. University of Chicago W. Roy Smythe, M.D. M.D. Anderson/University of Texas Executive Director Christopher E. Hahn Santa Barbara, California MARF, inc. 1609 Garden Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 tel (805) 560-8942 fax (805) 560-8962 |

Our Mission is to eradicate mesothelioma as a life-ending disease. April 4, 2003 Name Address City, State Zip Re: Time for U.S. to Serve Veterans with War-Related Cancer Dear: Ignored for decades, the asbestos-related cancer mesothelioma now makes headlines. Destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11 released tons of asbestos into New York City's air and raised concerns that rescue workers and residents may develop the cancer. CNN and major newspaper accounts detail the terrible suffering of mesothelioma patients. Editorials urge limits on lawsuits by asbestos claimants who are not sick, in order to avoid further bankruptcies and preserve some compensation for terminally ill asbestos victims. Despite the recent glare of publicity, the Federal Government's responsibility for this tragedy remains unaddressed. Of the 2,500 to 3,000 patients diagnosed with mesothelioma each year in the United States, about 33% served in the U.S. Navy, Merchant Marines or as civilians in Navy shipyards - most notably, retired Chief Naval Officer Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, Jr. Sovereign immunity bars asbestos-related suits against the United States, but not a concerted government effort to treat and cure mesothelioma. To date, federal funding for mesothelioma treatment has been virtually non-existent. "The Asbestos Claims Criteria and Compensation Act," S. 413, recently introduced by Sen. Don Nickles (R-OK), seeks to prevent further bankruptcies by asbestos defendants and thus preserve compensation funds for seriously ill asbestos plaintiffs by limiting lawsuits by claimants who are not sick. However, the bill does not contain any provision, which would help fix the ultimate problem by funding mesothelioma treatment and cure research. The first priority of anyone with mesothelioma is life, not compensation. Sen. Nickles' bill does not go far enough. "The Ban Asbestos Act in America" also recently introduced by Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), still lacks a Republican co-sponsor. Sen. Murray's Bill does provide federal funding for mesothelioma research and treatment. We would like to see the two bills merged. I know I have written to you before about MARF and its mission. I am very proud that the majority of the funds used to sustain MARF and fund its research grants have come directly from mesothelioma patients, their family and friends. I do not for a second take such generosity for granted. Now, I'd like to again ask that you help MARF's mission, this time by contacting your U.S. Senator and Congressman regarding the long overdue need for the U.S. Government to establish a mesothelioma treatment program within the Department of Defense or Department of Veterans Affairs. Any breakthroughs such a medical program may generate would obviously be of immeasurable value to mesothelioma patients throughout the world. I also encourage you to write letters to the editor of your local newspaper. The attached materials should supply you with plenty of ammunition for a well-reasoned "op-ed" column. If you need any help, please ask. Please take the time to digest, ponder and talk about the attached materials - but then, please act. Especially during this time of war, when so much focus is rightly placed on protecting our troops who are in harm's way, the time is right for America to look back and remember our debts to those veterans who proudly served when asbestos use was rampant and unchecked. Now is the time for the U.S. Navy and the Department of Defense to respond by funding the research to find a treatment that will either thwart or eradicate this long-neglected, service-connected cancer. Yours very truly, Roger G. Worthington Founding Director Enclosures |